Up With Preventing
Illegal Alien Amnesty
*** U.W.P.I.A.A. ***

Copyright © 2005-2008, by Tom Hill
All rights reserved.

The purpose of this site is to bring attention to the problem of illegal aliens coming across the US border and setting up a homestead without waiting in line as law abiding immigrants are required to do. As a result, citizens of the U.S. are finding our tax dollars used to subsidize the welfare of an ever increasing parasitic load, while at the same time we tend to make chumps of the educated doctors, scientists and engineers, from other countries who wish to legally immigrate to the U.S., but are delayed or prohibited from doing so because of a quota system that gets bypassed entirely by uneducated immigrants and terrorists who sneak across the border.
I believe we need immigration reform in the U.S. and I believe our current immigration policy is a farce and an open invitation for law breakers and terrorists to sneak in and do us harm.
For those who complain about how Americans invaded the land already populated by native American Indians, I have this to say . . . I am truly sorry that their land got overtaken by settlers from Europe 200 to 400 years ago. I believe the migratory lifestyle and lack of a superior military defense by the native American Indians prevented them from enforcing their borders. The native American Indians claimed possession of more territory than they were able to defend from capture by others. In contrast to today, we Americans can enforce our borders, but choose not to do so for fear of alienating some minority groups who wish to enjoy our standard of living at little or no expense of their own.
Another major difference between between early American settlers and illegal immigrants of today is that there were no fences or physical barriers installed by the native American Indians to prevent outsiders from coming in. Today there are fences installed and border patrol monitors who legally enters America. Illegal immigrants knowingly cut or climb fences or tunnel under the border or swim across the Rio Grande in clear violation of the law of the land belonging to the country who is charged with and fully capable of enforcing such law.

Illegal Immigration Hotlinks

p.s. The purpose of this site has nothing to do with the Up With People International Alumni Association, whose Board of Governors (BOG) slandered me on two accounts, and they refuse to acknowledge their wrongdoing and arrogantly refuse to identify which of their members committed the alleged crimes against me, and they refuse to cooporate in resolving the adversarial rift between us... a rift which they caused.

Slander #1

BOG Slander incident #1 occurred when Steve R. Johnson (74B) communicated to me that the Board of Governors was considering having a legal restraining order issued against me to prevent my attendance at the then upcoming UWP reunion in 2004. The sole purpose of Steve's communication to me was intimidation and harassment designed to keep me away from the UWP alumni reunion and to copy his harassment of me to others. I can assert with 100% honesty and accuracy that I never committed any unlawful act against anyone that would justify a legal restraining order against me. I can assert with 100% honesty and accuracy that no restraining order was ever issued against me, and I believe the BOG was fooled by a ruthless hoax perpertrated by a cast rep from the early 70's. Had the BOG followed through on this meritless threat, and if law enforcement interviewed me to determine whether the BOG's desire for a restrainig order was based on fact or fiction, they would have found out that the basis was a ruthless and malicious hoax. This means that the perpetraitor actually knew that she was lying when she communicated her hoax to the BOG. Had the BOG genuinely desired to stop this hoax, they could have, should have, but chose not to alert law enforcement of the false allegations. As an alternative means of ethically dealing with this issue, the BOG could have, should have, but chose not to alert me (the victim of the hoax) that such malicious allegations about me were made to them, which they might have considered as grounds for a restraining order. The fact that Steve R. Johnson told me that the BOG told him of their reaction to a hoax against me, without revealing that it was, in fact, based on a hoax is totally unscrupulous and unethical. The fact that the BOG has refused to disclose to me the identity of the perpertraitor of the hoax, and refused to disclose any description of the allegations leads me to believe that the BOG chose to take the law into their own hands by protecting the perpetraitor from real justice under the law. I believe, in general, that when someone has knowledge of a crime having been committed and they refuse to notify law enforcement of such crime, and they refuse to tell the victim about evidence or knowledge they have concerning the crime, then I believe such person acts as an accessory to the crime. Whereas, the BOG has refused to explain to me their unethical bahaviour around this slander incident, I believe that I have legal right and an ethical obligation to repudiate this hoax and the actions of the BOG in failing to notify myself and/or law enforcement of the malicious hoax made against me.

Slander #2

BOG Slander incident #2 occurred shortly after the UWP reunion in 2004, when Bruce Thomsen (84D) communicated to me (and to others) that an unnamed member of the Board of Governors had told him there were two women in my hotel room at 4AM one morning during the just completed 2004 reunion. The sole purpose of Bruce's communication to me was intimidation and harassment designed to propagate a parroted lie and to boost his standing amongst his conspiracy peergroup. I can assert with 100% honesty and accuracy that there never were two women in my hotel room at 4AM (or at any other time) during the UWP reunion, unless and ONLY if they were hotel cleaning crew who were there while I was not there. Although I asserted to Bruce that his statement about me was false, he has never retracted his statement. Furthermore, the BOG has never retracted or repudiated their alleged involvement in the propagation of this lie about me. Therefore, I believe I have a legal right and an ethical obligation to repudiate this lie. Because this lie was allegedly parroted by a BOG member, I believe that it would likely carry more credibility to unsuspecting alumni of UWP who happened to hear about it. Therefore, I believe I have an ethical obligation to repudiate this lie to stop it from spreading. It is because of my repudiation of this parrot lie that my privileges for posting messages on the UpwithpeopleAlum forum had been revoked by the forum owner, Denise Burns. I believe that Denise Burns was persuaded by a BOG member, to delete my message of repudiation of the parroted lie and to censor my future posts on that forum. I believe that the BOG has demonstrated corruption of power in taking actions against me to delete or censor my repudiation of this parroted lie, which Bruce Tomsen alleges, came to him from a BOG member. I believe that the BOG could have, should have, but chose not to discuss this bogus allegation with me to determine its accuracy, before they allegedly parroted the false statements to Bruce Thomsen. I believe also that Bruce Thomsen could have, should have, but chose not to discuss this bogus allegation with me to determine its accuracy, before he parroted the false statements to several other UWP alumni. I believe that the actions taken by the BOG on this issue are unscrupulous and unethical. As further evidence of the BOG's refusal to discuss this issue, and to utilize corruption of power to bury this issue without resolution, the BOG has caused the deletion of my contact information from the online data base of UWP alumni. I know that my contact information was entered by me several years ago, and I know that it was deleted by someone acting under direction of the BOG within the past year.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Who cares any more about this issue?
A. This question is often asked by criminals in an attempt to trivialize the severity of their unlawful acts. In this case (as in most cases involving a crime against a victim), it is the victim who still cares about this issue. If you have personally ever asked a rape victim this same question, please let me know. I'd would be curious to hear what was the victim's response.

Q. It's done. It's over. Why keep dragging up this issue?
A. Truth is that it's not over, because the perpetraitors of the crimes still remain unknown to the victim, and the BOG refuses to disclose to the victim what they (the BOG) intend to do so as to make certain that this same thing doesn't happen again. The perpetraitors of the alleged crimes have not shown to me the slightest hint of any remorse or humility or apology over their involvement in the commission of these crimes... or if they have, I have not seen nor heard of it. As long as the criminals continue to sidestep responsibility for their unethical actions, this issue is not over.

Q. When is he ever going to get over this (ruthless slander)?
A. When is the BOG ever going to accept responsibility for their part in contributing to the root cause of this problem? When is the BOG going to either deny or apologize for their participation in slander as alleged by Steve Johnson (74B) and Bruce Thomsen (84D)? When is the BOG going to fix the problem, instead of using curruption of power to hide the problem? I believe the answers to these questions are causally related.

Q. Why does the BOG wish to hide this issue rather than resolve it?
A. That is a very good question. One for which I do not have an answer. I can only speculate that perhaps the BOG doesn't want to bring disgrace and/or legal justice to someone who allegedly committed unlawful acts against me. I also speculate that the BOG doesn't want this issue resolved in a court of law as that environment is generally not advantageous for those whose position is based on parroted lies, or for those who wish to avoid being held in contempt for failure to provide honest answers to simple questions.

Q. Why doesn't Tom Hill merely take this issue to law enforcement?
A. This question is based on a false premise, as it erroneously assumes that I did not already take this issue to law enforcement. Fact is, shortly after I first learned of these slanderous statements being made, I contacted law enforcement within the particular township in the northern state, which has jurisdiction in the geographical region wherein I believe the hoax was first conceived and transmitted. Law enforcement personnel told me that unless I can forward to them specific evidence of the crime, they couldn't help me. I believe the evidence they needed to see, is the same evidence that the BOG received and used as a basis for their alleged desire to have a restraining order issued against me... and the same evidence that the BOG continues to withhold from me. I don't need all the evidence. All I need is a brief 10 to 15 word sentence (in writing) which summarizes the content and identifies the author, for turnover to law enforcement. I also contacted law enforcement having jurisdiction in my own county, and was told basically the same information. In further discussions with other legal authorities, I learned that I could pursue civil court remedies if I was willing to spend several thousands of dollars out of my own pocket for civil proceedings. I consider that course of action to be an expensive travesty ... and the cost of this website is far less than any potential court costs... and likely more effective than a courtroom in repudiating lies.

Please note that I do not pretend to be the poster boy for moral purity. I recognize that all people (myself included) can and do make mistakes from time to time. However, I do assert that I speak the truth on these issues pertaining to the alleged BOG activity. If anyone on the BOG has any desire to communicate with me on this issue, please let me know. Send email to bog-nono@uwpiaa.net.

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